Thursday, May 25, 2017

We Have Arrived


Choices One to take a flight from San Francisco eastward for about 5 hours to Newark, New Jersey and then catch a flight 3 hours later for an 8 hour trip to Barcelona. Choice two fly east for 5 hours; then get a hotel and leave the next day for Barcelona.
We decided on the second choice Big mistake. We didn't pay attention to departure time to Barcelona. The flight wasn't scheduled to leave until 7:30PM. Check out time from the hotel is 11:00AM.
This leaves you 8 hours to kill.
The traffic in to New York is horrible and there has been problems at Penn station so we stayed in New Jersey. Joan saw a listing of places to visit. Her choice, Jersey Gardens. Great. We love gardens except it is not a garden it is a mall with 500 stores so we checked our luggage at the airport and took the shuttle to the Mall. We walked for about 5 hours throughout the maze of stores. We lunched at Applegate. We are now waiting in the United Club only to find out that we have to await a plane arrival. A stated delay is one hour. It turned out to be two!

Checking Flight Delay

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